How do I order school shirts?
Are students required to wear unforms?
Yes, BBCA shirts are required for school. They must be purchased through Lands' End and must meet the length requirement, which is that they must come to the bottom of the back pocket. Pants, shorts, jumpers, and P.E. attire must be purchased from the uniform section of any store (Old Navy, Target, Lands' End, etc).
Will we ship the shirts?
Lands' End will ship your order directly to your house.
What are the school hours?
Belair Baptist Christian Academy school hours are from 8:00am-3:00pm.
What is the early drop off/late pick up policy?
You may not drop off your child before 7:45am. If your child is dropped off before 7:45am a $25 fee will charged that will be due by 3:15 that day. Beginning at 3:15pm you will be charged a $50 late pick up fee for every half hour bracket
What is the inclement weather policy?
In the event that weather conditions cause the academy to close or delay, we will notify you by text message system. Dismissal during the day is announced in the same manner. In order to keep you informed of events, we must have accurate phone numbers on files at all times.
Do you offer daily lunches?
Each student must bring his/her lunch from home each day.
Do you provide transportation?
We have companies that provide transportation for many of our students. Once enrolled, you will be given that information.
Do you provide before or after school care?
We have companies that provide before and after care for our students. Once enrolled, you will be given that information.
Do you offer sports?
We offer P.E. each Friday. For after-school sports, we partner with local Christian schools. Eligible students have an opportunity to play on their teams.
Do your students do the national testing?
Our students participate in the national Iowa testing yearly.
Do you give discounts?
We offer a 20% discount for the second child. The third child, plus, receive a 30% discount.
We offer a 10% military discount.